VBL Q&A of the Day: King Hustle

Six weeks of play and six straight Player of the Games for the only undefeated team in the league. Half man half amazing, you start to wonder if it's really Blade behind those shades! Who is this guy you ask? Tristan Wilson AKA King Hustle. It's hard to stop him on the court, but we were able to pull him to the sideline to stop and see his thoughts on the VBL.Veniceball League (VBL): How long have you been playing in the Veniceball League?King Hustle (KH): "This season makes my 5th year with the VBL."VBL: How have you seen the league grow during your 5-year career?KH: "The crowds are getting bigger and bigger every season and the one thing that stays consistent with this league is the atmosphere. It's always electric and a fun event. It's the place you want to be on Sunday afternoons. There's basketball, music, and even the Kids VBL. There's a lot of good things going on here and it always provides a nice full day of things to do."VBL: Yes, I agree with you there. The atmosphere is always live at the VBL and it's fun for individuals, families, & kids too. So, at this point you're considered a Vet of the league, what are your thoughts on the 'Build Courts, Not Walls' campaign? How is that important to you as a player?KH: "Basketball is a universal sport, so you don't ever want to build a wall to keep people from expanding and growing. Whether it's through basketball or the community. The game is getting bigger and suppressing people from developing is not going to help the situation. So, obviously, you want to build more courts to help expand the game because it's becoming more of a universal language every day."VBL: Definitely, this year we have a team from China and Mexico and players from all over the country. Do you believe the VBL has the potential to make this a global statement? KH: "Oh for sure. If this league keeps going the way it's going, I most definitely believe they can go on to new heights. Like I mentioned earlier, every year it's expanding. This year the league is being sponsored by Adidas, so you never know what can happen next year."VBL: Well, thank you King Hustle for putting a halt in your game and taking the time to talk with us and good luck in the play offs.KH: "Thank you."Be sure to stay with us in the upcoming weeks during playoffs for more player interviews. Meet us at the courts.